Supermom Chronicles

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Could this be it?

Well, it's 5:40am and I'm trying to figure out if labor is starting. The challenge with being in preterm labor for the past 16+ weeks is figuring out when real labor begins. Of course, when I really get into it I'll know. But right now I'm in that not-so-sure stage. With Cole my contractions changed from an overall tightness everywhere to a deep cramp. The cramps kept coming and eventually there was no question I was in labor. Well about 2 hours ago I started getting those deep cramps. But I've had a few of those in the night before (usually brought on by changing positions in bed). This morning is different, though, because I've continued to have these cramps for the last 1-1/2 hours. But they're somewhat irregular. Basically 8-10 min apart but varying in intensity. It just hasn't reached that definite point of no return. If there is no post later today, it's probably because we went to the hospital:)
posted by Joey at 5:44 AM


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