Supermom Chronicles

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

What is China?

Today we drove to Rain Creek to visit John's parents and leave the kids for a couple of days while John & I celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary. We are child-free for the next 2 days, and I plan on sleeping through the night for the first time in, oh, about 8-9 months.

On the way there, I could hear Faith in the back of the van talking with Cole about China. Every few words I heard "China" or "Chinese". John & I were wondering what in the world she was talking about. He & I had not had any conversations about China with her. We figured maybe she was learning about different cultures in her preschool or maybe on Noggin. So finally I turned and asked, "Faith, what is China?"

"I don't know."

"Where did you hear about China?"

"I don't know....(long pause)...Nanny likes Chinese girls."

I immediately burst out laughing. A little over a week ago, Faith had her 1st dance recital (I'll post pictures later). I had to put her hair up in a bun and used at least 20 bobby pins, a ton of hair gel and hairspray to make it happen. My sister, Cara, was visiting for the weekend to go to the recital, and was watching me get Faith ready. While I was fixing Faith's bun, Cara & I were reminiscing about our childhood, when Mom ("Nanny" to Faith) would put my hair up in a bun, let it dry, then take it down and it would be very full & curly. She would always pull my hair up so tight that I swear it felt like my eyes would slant back. I told Cara that Mom would make me look like a Chinese girl, to which Cara replied, "I guess she likes Chinese girls."

Hence, over 1 week after that conversation was overheard and internalized, Faith makes the aforementioned announcement. Pretty funny.
posted by Joey at 10:32 PM


Hello, where's my interview?!?! You had a whole day off and what did you do, herd cats or something?

(said in the most joking manner)

8:49 PM  

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