Supermom Chronicles

Friday, August 17, 2007

On a happier note...

So it took a day and a half to get my emotions down to almost normal from my last post. Unfortunately, I had to deal w/ some demanding, dare I say rude, clients at work. Communication, communication, communication. I think 90% of all the world's problems could be solved by thorough, exact, unambiguous communication. After Tuesday, I haven't had a lot of emotional reserve to deal with demanding people or mistakes at work. I have been working with a little bit of an "I don't really care if I offend you" attitude, which is highly unusual for me. Sometimes I'm just tired of being nice. But alas, I do feel that I am finally coming off this weird cycle of emotion. I think by next Monday, I'll be back to my smiling, cheerful, put-up-with-almost-anything self.

On a lighter note, here's some pics of my well-adjusted kiddos!

Faith decided to dress up as her version of a bride 1 day and announced that Cole was her groom...what a cute couple!

James is pretty proud of himself anytime he takes a few steps. He's really learning to walk (about 1 month earlier than big brother or sister did...he's 10 months old now).

Losing balance...

You talkin' to me?? I have no idea where this facial expression came from, but John managed to catch it on camera. Notice the 2 scratches on his nose and split lower lip...the hazards of learning to walk (both were face plants this week).

posted by Joey at 10:41 PM


I can't believe James is already walking. Boy they grow up fast :-)

11:00 PM  

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