Supermom Chronicles
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I Yoda
We purchased a really great Darth Vader costume for Cole, complete w/ gloves, mask and I even bought a light saber. This is the only 10 seconds of the whole night that he wore the mask or held the light saber. Oh well, they do play w/ the sabers a lot at home, so it's worth it.
It was hard to get a picture of all 3 together. This was the best I could do.
Oohh, candy. Then he would say, "More? More?"
Yes, that is THREE lollipops he is working on at once. That is definitely his favorite candy.
If you can guess my next-door-neighbor's costume, I'll give you bonus points. My slow Aggie brain didn't get it at first.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Hello out there....
We are doing fine. I truly do have much to say. So much happens in 7 months; where do I begin? I think I'll just post a few random cute pictures with simple comments. You know, easing back into blogging. Actually, I blame my friend, Zoe, partially. She is pregnant for the 1st time and lives in New Mexico. I am dying to see her pregnant. She sent me an email a few weeks ago saying that she was on Facebook, so I thought, "Great! I'll finally get to see pregnancy pictures of her!" But to view her Facebook profile, I had to sign onto Facebook myself. Well, the rest is history. Suffice it to say, I have found an amazing number of my old vet school buddies and got a bit distracted. I admit, I actually posted Halloween pictures on Facebook instead of this blog. I will try to blog again, and as Leah puts it, go to Facebook as a reward for blogging.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Motherhood: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Faith brought home some computer work she did at school last week. She drew a picture of a pizza using the software, then typed below it:
"the pytsa is good i like the pytsa cole dus to. it is good we ned maour pytsa"
Translation: The pizza is good. I like the pizza. Cole does, too. It is good. We need more pizza.
Another page with a picture of a stick figure playing under the sun had the following caption:
"i wint to the parec and i playd. i had fun i was playing with cole at the parec. mom we had fun at the parec"
Translation: I went to the park and I played. I had fun. I was playing with Cole at the park. Mom, we had fun at the park.
I love her creative spelling and limited use of punctuation. Adorable.
Now, the BAD:
As many of you know, Cole was spinning in the air trying to entertain James & I last Tuesday night, when his forehead came slamming down on our rock hearth. I could see his skull under the cut, so we rushed him to the ER in San Marcos to have his head checked out. Our 4 hour experience there left MUCH to be desired (i.e. being triaged in a timely manner, actually seeing a doctor - yeah, never happened - allowing the local anesthesia time to work then actually placing the sutures in the areas that are blocked...). I vowed out loud to John that in the event any of our kids sustain an injury requiring sutures, but not requiring a skull rad or CT scan, I will do the doctoring.
Here he is loaded up in the minivan on our way to the hospital. He insisted that we NOT move the washcloth from his eye.
This is 2 days after stitch placement. I think the top of the laceration will leave a scar. Personally, I would have put 3 sutures in it to minimize scarring, but given that he was feeling every bit of the suture placement, I guess I'm glad she only put in 2.
Finally, the UGLY:
Cole's attitude. Ugly, ugly, ugly. Today has been so disappointing. I had planned to devote the entire day to playing with the kids, going to the park, etc. But Cole ruined it. He peed on the floor twice (one of which James crawled through because he thought it was a game that Cole had his legs spread), pooped in his pants 4 times (yes, he has been potty-trained for quite some time), scattered little balls of PlayDoh all over the floor in 3 rooms then refused to get up off the couch to help clean it up. He screamed and climbed into James' crib this afternoon and prevented him from taking his nap until late in the afternoon. He went into Faith's closet and took down ALL of her clothes from hangers and made a pile on the floor. Also add in the hits, pokes, and pulling of his brother and sister. Yes, he got spankings. Yes, he got time-outs. Yes, I took away privileges. I know all the standard operating procedures of parenting. But nothing worked today. As I type this, he is screaming in the kitchen for no good reason. I'm tapped out. I told John that Cole will be his responsibility for the rest of the night. I cannot take anymore today. Just when I thought his attitude was improving. Damn.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sign Language
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Life is so EASY without kids (and my boobs feel fantastic!)
On a side note that I absolutely MUST blog about: I did something last night that I've been wanting to do for over a year. I've been waiting for that moment that I could go out into the world without kids and do something just for me. I had a professional bra-fitting. I HIGHLY recommend all ladies who have just "guessed" what bra size/style they should wear, spend the time to get fitted. I sucked it up and went to Nordstroms at Barton Creek Mall because I knew they would have a professional sales woman (not some 17-yr old working her hourly wage to go out on Friday night). Sure enough, the woman that helped me was FANTASTIC. She ushered me directly into a fitting room, measured me, and brought me eventually 8-10 bras that she knew would fit my body type. Even for Nordstroms, their prices were do-able ($30-50/bra, comparable to Victoria Secret w/ MUCH better service). I purchased 3 bras (I need to completely re-do my bra wardrobe after having kids), and I feel BEAUTIFUL. I fill out my cups without having $500o-worth of enhancement surgery!! If you are a woman, and you are reading this blog, GO GET A PROFESSIONAL BRA-FITTING. You just don't know how good you can look until you do this. There...that's my public service announcement for the day.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Deep Thoughts by Faith
Me: Do you know what is really involved in getting your ears pierced?
Faith: No.
Me: Come sit with me and I'll tell you. They will sit you in a chair and rub something on your ears to make it so you don't feel anything. Then they will load a little gun with an earring and sit it up to your ear like this....then POOF the earring will shoot into your ear. Then they do the other ear. It might hurt. Then you have to take care of your ears everyday, turning the earrings, cleaning your can't take your earrings out for a couple of weeks. You have to sleep with them, bathe with them, wear them constantly for the first couple of weeks. Then, when the holes are healed, you can change them out whenever you want.
Me: you think you are ready for earrings?
Faith: Maybe not. Maybe I'll wait until I'm 18.
Faith: Will you still be alive then?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Late night grocery shoppin'
It's interesting to see who visits the grocery store at 10pm on a weeknight. I was surprised at the number of families with their elementary school-age children in the store. No wonder school is difficult for some kids. My kids were in bed 2 hours ago, and there's some days I think they could benefit from even more sleep. Those poor kids up late shopping w/ their parents are completely the victims of bad parenting.
Then there was the family dressed to the nines...there was a mom in a very fancy dress and extremely high heels, the dad in a nice suit, and what looked to be a 3-yr old little girl w/ her fancy dress, tights and patton leather shoes.
The rest of the crowd was pretty random. It was actually nice shopping since the aisles were relatively empty and there were no lines at checkout. I might consider shopping late at night more often. Beats dragging 3 kids along and trying to convince them how exciting and fun the racecar shopping cart can be.